- to postpone a meeting
- отсрочивать собрание
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics. 2014.
postpone — post‧pone [pəæʊstˈpəʊn ǁ poʊsˈpoʊn] verb [transitive] to change the date or time of a planned event to a later one: • The meeting has been postponed until next Tuesday. * * * postpone UK US /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ verb [T] ► to decide that an event should… … Financial and business terms
Postpone to a certain time — In parliamentary procedure, a postponing to a certain time or postponing to a time certain is an act of the deliberative assembly, generally implemented as a motion. It delays action on a pending question until a different day, meeting, hour or… … Wikipedia
postpone — verb ADVERB ▪ indefinitely ▪ The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest. ▪ merely, only ▪ The inevitable conflict was merely postponed till the next meeting … Collocations dictionary
postpone — 01. We ve had to [postpone] the picnic because a number of people are busy that day. 02. The search for the plane that crashed in the mountains has been [postponed] due to bad weather. 03. I m afraid that if we decide to [postpone] our wedding,… … Grammatical examples in English
meeting — noun 1 when people come together to discuss/decide sth ADJECTIVE ▪ frequent, regular ▪ annual, biannual, biennial, daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly … Collocations dictionary
meeting */*/*/ — UK [ˈmiːtɪŋ] / US [ˈmɪtɪŋ] noun [countable] Word forms meeting : singular meeting plural meetings 1) an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions meeting on/about: They organized meetings on a number of important political… … English dictionary
Town meeting — A town meeting is a form of direct democratic rule, used primarily in portions of the United States since the 17th century, in which most or all the members of a community come together to legislate policy and budgets for local government. The… … Wikipedia
defer, delay, postpone — Each of these words implies keeping or preventing something from happening until a later time: I recommend that we defer (or delay or postpone) this action to our next meeting. To defer is to make a decision to do something later: I shall defer… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
put off — verb 1. hold back to a later time (Freq. 1) let s postpone the exam • Syn: ↑postpone, ↑prorogue, ↑hold over, ↑put over, ↑table, ↑shelve, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
adjourn — ad•journ [[t]əˈdʒɜrn[/t]] v. t. 1) to suspend the meeting of (a legislature, court, committee, etc.) to a future time, another place, or indefinitely 2) to defer or postpone (a meeting) to a later time 3) to defer or postpone (a matter) to a… … From formal English to slang
defend — 1 Defend, protect, shield, guard, safeguard mean to keep secure from danger or against attack. Defend implies the use of means to ward off something that actually threatens or to repel something that actually attacks {raise a large army to defend … New Dictionary of Synonyms